More SQL
We'll be working with data manipulation with your own databases and the WORLD database which can be downloaded here.
Using the tables created in the last session:
- Try to insert data when no columns are specified (i.e. you have to enter a value for each column)
- Try to insert data for some of the columns
1. Try to insert data excluding a column that is defined as NOT NULL and see if MySQL allows it
2. Try to insert data excluding the PK and see if MYSQL allows it - Create a table similar to the first table and try coping all the data from the original table using the INSERT command
- Delete data with some conditions from the table
- Update the data using some conditions
Using the WORLD database, create different reports from the available tables:
- With no condition
- With a single condition
- With multiple conditions using AND
- With multiple conditions using OR
- Order the result based on different attributes in ascending order
- Order the result based on different attributes in descending order
- By grouping a single field
- By grouping multiple fields
- By grouping a field and having a condition
- By grouping multiple fields and having a condition
- By using a wild card (* , %)
- By use of LIKE, IS NULL