Normalizations - Solutions
Note that these are sample solutions and may be different depending on your interpretation of the problem.
Question 1
St ID, Lic No + St Lic, Ticket #
St ID -> LName, FName, PhoneNo, St Lic, Lic No
St Lic + Lic No -> St ID, LName, FName, PhoneNo
Ticket # -> Date, Code, Fine
Update Anomaly - If Thomas changed his name, update many rows
Addition Anomaly - If you add a student, you need to assign ticket as well
Deletion Anomaly - If you delete a ticket, you delete the person as well
Student(St ID, LName, FName, PhoneNo)
StudentCar(St ID, LicNo, St Lic)
Ticket(Date, Code, Fine, Ticket #, St ID, Lic No, St Lic)
Question 2
SoftwareID -> SoftwareName, SoftwareVendor, SoftwareLicenseExpires, SoftwareLicensePrice
ComputerSerialNbr, VendorID -> PurchasePrice
ComputerSerialNbr, UserID, SoftwareID -> UserAuthorizationStarts, UserAuthorizationEnds, UserAuthorizationPassword
UserID -> UserNameVendorID -> VendorName, VendorPhone
VendorSupportID -> VendorSupportName, VendorSupportExtension
b. because of partial functional and transitive dependencies such as:
UserAuthorizationStarts can be determined by ComputerSerialNbr, UserID,SoftwareID, while UserID itself determines Username (i.e partial dependency)
VendorID determines VendorSupportID, which itself determines VendorSupportName etc. (transitive dependency)
See if you can find more examples of partial and transitive dependencies.
SOFTWARE PACKAGE (SoftwareID, SoftwareName, SoftwareVendor, SoftwareLicenseExpires, SoftwareLicensePrice)
COMPUTER (ComputerSerialNbr, VendorID, PurchasePrice)
LICENSE (ComputerSerialNbr, UserID, SoftwareID, UserAuthorizationStarts, UserAuthorizationEnds, UserAuthorizationPassword)
USER (UserID, UserName)
VENDOR (VendorID, VendorName, VendorPhone)
SUPPORT PERSON (VendorSupportID, VendorSupportName, VendorSupportExtension, VendorID)
If SUPPORT PERSON and VENDOR has one to one relationship, and both side is mandatory we can merge these two tables